
The 1st International Meta Computing Contest


The purpose of this contest is to promote the development of Meta Computing technology and its application ecosystem. It aims to increase the enthusiasm of college students for participating in the application and innovation of Meta Computing technology, and to deepen their understanding of it. The contest is open to current college students from universities and research institutes worldwide. We warmly welcome all universities and research institutes to actively organize registration for participation.



This contest is open to full-time students from universities and research institutes. Students may form teams of 1-5 people, including a team leader, and must have a mentor. There is no limit to the number of teams from each university/institute, but each student may only participate in one team, and cross-school teams are not allowed. The same mentor may guide multiple teams.



  • 赛道1: 元计算体系架构和系统
  • 赛道2: 元计算中的云边端资源整合与智能化
  • 赛道3: 区块链、容错算法和零信任计算
  • 赛道4: 面向Web 3.0、DApp和DeFi的元计算
  • 赛道5: 面向元宇宙的元计算
  • 赛道6: 面向物联网和工业互联网的元计算
  • 赛道7: 智能嵌入式系统设计大赛(赛道7为专项赛道。赛道详情见链接
  • This contest focuses on Meta Computing technology and its innovative applications, with the following tracks:

  • Track 1: Meta Computing Architectures and Systems
  • Track 2: Cloud-Edge-Terminal Resource Consolidation and Intelligence in Meta Computing
  • Track 3: Blockchain, fault-tolerance, and Zero-trust Computing
  • Track 4: Meta Computing for Web 3.0, DApp, DeFi
  • Track 5: Meta Computing for Metaverse
  • Track 6: Meta Computing for Industrial Internet and Internet-of-Things
  • Track 7: Intelligent Embedded System Design Contest (Track 7 requires separate registration. Access track details at:
  • 大赛形式(Contest Format)


    Notice: Below is the contest format for tracks 1-6. For the contest format of track 7, please consult the following link.

  • 报名:报名入口
  • 提交作品:本次比赛的参赛作品应具有一定的创新性和实用性。选手提交参赛作品相关材料(文档、可执行代码等)到邮箱,每支队伍限提交一项作品。组委会将在全国范围内组织专家进行线上评审,并筛选出优秀作品晋级决赛。
  • 决赛:选手进行现场答辩,答辩时间为7分钟,包括共5分钟的PPT陈述、演示、测试与2分钟的专家提问,评审专家对每项作品实行分项打分、集体讨论并确定最终获奖队伍和等级。
  • Registration: Registration link
  • Work Submission: Participants should submit relevant materials for their works, such as documents and executable codes, to the email address The organizing committee will work with online experts to evaluate the submissions and select outstanding works to advance to the final stage.
  • Final stage: Participants will conduct on-site defenses lasting for 7 minutes. This includes a PPT presentation, demonstration, testing (totaling 5 minutes), and expert questioning (2 minutes). Evaluation experts will score each work separately, hold collective discussions, and determine the final winning team and ranks of each work.
  • 大赛日程(Schedule)


    Notice: Below is the schedule for tracks 1-6. For the schedule for track 7, please consult the following link.

  • 报名:即日起至北京时间2024年6月1日0时0分
  • 提交作品:即日起至北京时间2024年6月3日0时0分
  • 决赛:北京时间2024年6月21日
    • 决赛报到:北京时间6月20日15:00至18:00
    • 决赛答辩:北京时间6月21日8:30至11:50
    • 决赛颁奖:北京时间6月21日18:00至20:00
  • Registration: teams can register from now until 00:00 on June 1, 2024, UTC+8.
  • Work Submission: teams can submit their works from now until 00:00 on June 3, 2024, UTC+8.
  • Final Stage: June 21, 2024, UTC+8
    • Final Registration: June 20th, from 15:00 to 18:00, UTC+8
    • Final Defense: June 21st, from 8:30 to 11:50, UTC+8
    • Awards Ceremony: June 21st, from 18:00 to 20:00, UTC+8
  • 决赛地点(Final Location)

    • Qingdao Conson Financial Center Hotel (Travel and accommodation expenses are at the team's own cost)
    • Hotel Reservation: WASA & ICMC Hotel Reservation



    Notice: Below are prizes for tracks 1-6. To view the prizes for track 7, please refer to the following link.

  • 比赛将对所有作品综合打分,并为优秀作品颁发一、二、三等奖或优胜奖。
  • 本次竞赛将颁发由组委会签发的一、二、三等奖和优胜奖获奖证书,对获奖队伍予以表彰,并分别给予现金奖励。
  • 奖金:一等奖15000元,二等奖6000元,三等奖2000元,优胜奖1000元。
  • The contest will score all submissions comprehensively and award first, second, and third prizes, as well as honorable mentions to outstanding works.
  • The organizing committee of the contest will issue certificates for the first, second, and third prizes as well as honorable mentions. Additionally, the winning teams will be recognized and receive cash rewards.
  • The cash prizes are as follows: 15,000 RMB for first prize, 6,000 RMB for second prize, 2,000 RMB for third prize, and 1,000 RMB for honorable mention.
  • 注意事项(Precautions)

  • 报名信息真实可靠,不得弄虚作假,参赛队伍自行设置的队名不得出现有违公序良俗的字样。
  • 参赛内容须遵从国家法律法规及政策要求,例如作品不得涉及发币、洗钱,不得有涉暴、涉恐、涉政等内容。
  • 所有参赛作品应独立设计、开发和完成,无抄袭、剽窃、侵犯他人知识产权等行为,本比赛不支持论文参赛。
  • 已在其他地方参赛并获奖的作品不得重复参赛;已公开发布并已获得商业价值的产品不得参赛。
  • Registration information must be truthful and reliable, and participants are not allowed to falsify it. Teams must not use names that violate public order and morals.
  • The content of the competition must comply with national laws, regulations, and policy requirements. For example, works must not involve issuing currency or money laundering, or contain violent, terrorist, or political content.
  • All entries must be independently designed, developed, and completed, without plagiarism, academic misconduct, or infringement of intellectual property rights. This competition does not support paper submissions.
  • Works that have already been entered and won awards elsewhere cannot be entered again, and products that have already been publicly released and have commercial value cannot be entered.
  • 主办单位(Organizer)

  • IEEE ICMC 2024 组委会(IEEE ICMC 2024 Organizing Committee)
  • 承办单位(Co-organizer)

  • 山东大学计算机科学与技术学院
    School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University
  • 赞助(Sponsors)

  • 浪潮云 Inspur Cloud Information Technology Co., Ltd.
  • 龙芯中科 Loongson Technology
  • 电气与电子工程师协会 IEEE

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